The Nutty Truth

Sharing my nutty knowledge with others to help keep our allergic children safe.

Monday, December 13, 2010


How would you know, by looking at a child, that they have an allergy?
How would you know, by asking a toddler, if they have an allergy?
Exactly..... you can't.

That's where the undeniable necessity of Allermates comes in. I was lucky enough to have my son test this product, specifically the orange "Peanut" wristband, and it was love at first sight.  Allermates are fun and colourful allergy awareness accessories, namely wristbands and dog tags featuring original cartoon characters. These products help safeguard kids with allergies while offering some peace of mind to their parents and caregivers.  They are easy to see and lets teachers, caregivers, parents and friends aware of your child's allergy. 

We all know that our allergic children can't be under our guarded supervision 24/7.  They go to school, to friends' houses, to birthday parties, and many other places where we can never guarantee their safety.  Sad but true.

Don't limit your child to wearing only one Allermates accessory. My son has the "peanut" wristband, and also wants the green "Tree Nut" wristband, as well as the necklace with the "Peanut" and "Tree Nut" dog tags!!  The more Allermates accessories my son wears, the more comfortable he feels. (his exact words!!!!)   I guess its a security thing, like a blankie!! Whatever makes them feel more secure, has no price tag.    Its simply a must-have.  Not only are these products hypo-allergenic, but they are bright, comfortable and easy to see, which is the most important. All bracelets are latex-free and necklaces and tags are nickel-free. 

I encourage you to visit and you will be amazed by the research, thought and commitment that has gone into the development of this product.  They make a great gift, stocking stuffer  and are a must-have for every allergic child!!